As you explore the world of internet speeds, you may have come across the term fiber-optic a time or two. Relatively new to the internet scene, fiber-optic is increasingly becoming a popular option in comparison to the standard internet information transfer method. In fact, there are several internet companies such as Frontier Communications that offer fiber-optic internet choices. But what is fiber-optic internet and is it a good choice for you? Let’s find out, below.
What is fiber-optic
All in all, fiber-optic, also commonly referred to as optical fiber, is the communication method of transmitting pieces of information from one place to a completely different place by sending pulses of light through an optical fiber. This transmission of information is caused by the light forming an electromagnetic carrier wave. This may seem a little confusing at first, but basically what this means is that information is sent only through light base technology.
As a fiber-optic cable is made up of 100 or more different strands of plastic or glass, each fiber-optic cable can transport bits of information at extremely fast speeds. The speeds that people are used to on a standard conventional copper wire transfer just don’t compare to those of fiber-optic. In fact, one of the many reasons that love for fiber-optic cables is continuing to grow has to do with the fact that with fiber you’ll find that information travels a lot faster over longer distances than the normal technologies like DSL and cable.
Should you get fiber-optic internet
Noted as the gold standard of residential internet connections, fiber-optic cable internet connections are used for both home offices and for those who just want to surf the internet at the fastest speed possible. But does this mean that you should get a fiber-optic cable internet connection? In a short answer, yes. Even though the actual service depends on the company in which you’re using, you’ll more than likely find that for the money and service, fiber-optic technology is the best way to go. Research also details that in the future, fiber-optic will be used more and more as there are no signs of its use slowing down anytime soon.
Even if in the future we find that broadband speeds continue to rise, they’ll have the ability to rise and become 1000 times faster without becoming too much for this technology. Because so far, it seems so bullet proof, it leads us and many others to believe that it is indeed your best bet and a great way to go. This is especially true if you work at home and need to have lots of date transferred quickly on and consistent daily or weekly basis.
When it comes down to it, research and customer satisfaction reviews detail lots of love for fiber-optic internet and how its the fastest form of broadband technology. Another thing to keep in mind is that as copper networks continue to age over time, it is much more likely that service providers who don’t currently carry fiber-optic options will end up switching.