Being capable when it comes to the world of finance or global markets to invest in your own things is a great skill to have, perhaps you just ‘get’ the markets and know how to make a pretty penny from them. Being able to crunch numbers and gauge how a particular market may move is also a good ability to have but could you happily offer someone financial advice and let them know where you think their money would be best invested? When posed with this question many people, regardless of their knowledge and their own financial success would opt out, not financial advisors.
Financial advisors have the skills, the confidence and the intelligence to not only understand the economic climate but also the ability to advise their clients and get them to invest in an idea in order to return profits. Let’s take a look at a successful financial advisor and what skills he and his colleagues possess.
Adam Rosenfeld
Adam Rosenfeld Merrill Lynch financial advisor and wealth manager has worked in the financial services industry for over 16 years following earning his MBA from the University of Miami. Adam has sat various exams throughout his time in the industry which allow him to not only offer advice but also to be a FINRA certified broker. Rosnefeld has seen great success throughout his career and has managed some massive global clients, handled millions of dollars of assets and has been included in the Barrons list of top 100 advisors. Rosenfeld is a highly skilled advisor who is able to offer advice on a wide range of topics such as financial planning, portfolio management for individuals, portfolio management for business, pension consulting and securities portfolio management amongst others. Rosenfeld is highly able, multi-skilled advisor and it is little wonder that he is working for such a high profile company such as Merrill Lynch.
The Skills
The skills that Adam possesses are the same as the skills that are required to be successful in this field and he we will break down what skills you need to have if you want to have a career in financial advice.
– Intelligence
Without high levels of intelligence, especially with numeracy you will not be able to pursue a career in financial advice, you will need to be able to take on board huge amounts of data and statistics about the economic environment and make assumptions and analysis based on where you think the market will go.
– Confidence
Confidence plays a key role in financial advice, you must have the confidence in your convictions and your advice, confidence when speaking to clients that you know what you are doing and the confidence to work with such large amounts of money and high profile people.
– Mental Strength
To work in this industry you will need to have a great deal of mental strength and be able to work well under pressure. The industry is results driven and there will be a lot of money at stake based on the advice which you have given out, in spite of the pressure that this comes with you still need to be able to effectively do your job on a daily basis.